

28 February 2018

IoT hack: how to break a smart home… again

There can never be too many IoT gadgets – that’s what people usually think when buying yet another connected device with advanced functionality. From our perspective, we also think there can’t be too many IoT investigations.

07 February 2018

Gas is too expensive? Let’s make it cheap!

A few months ago, while undertaking unrelated research into online connected devices, we uncovered something surprising and realized almost immediately that we could be looking at a critical security threat.

Companies and organisations 12
Products and services 14
Technologies 26
Types of threats 25
Industries 26
APT 29
Industrial control systems 3
Laws and regulation 6
Malware 30

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Industrial control systems 2
Types of threats 6
Companies and organisations 5
Laws and regulation 2
Technologies 3
Industries 1

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Companies and organisations 49
Types of threats 22
Technologies 11
Malware 25
Products and services 58
Industries 3
Events and conferences 2
Industrial control systems 5
Laws and regulation 2

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Companies and organisations 12
Products and services 14
Technologies 26
Types of threats 25
Industries 26
APT 29
Industrial control systems 3
Laws and regulation 6
Malware 30

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Industrial control systems 2
Types of threats 6
Companies and organisations 5
Laws and regulation 2
Technologies 3
Industries 1

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Companies and organisations 49
Types of threats 22
Technologies 11
Malware 25
Products and services 58
Industries 3
Events and conferences 2
Industrial control systems 5
Laws and regulation 2

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