30 April 2020
Overview of recommendations on organizing secure remote work for critical infrastructure and other facilities
Do security issues associated with working remotely affect critical infrastructure enterprises? Should organizations take additional protective measures? A view of regulators in the area of information security.
24 April 2020
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. Overall global statistics – H2 2019
The statistical data presented in the report was received from ICS computers protected by Kaspersky products that Kaspersky ICS CERT categorizes as part of the industrial infrastructure at organizations.
24 April 2020
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. Ransomware and other malware: key events of H2 2019
This section presents an overview of threats related to ransomware activity against municipal institutions, industrial enterprises and critical infrastructure facilities.
24 April 2020
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. APT attacks on industrial companies in 2019
Overview of APT attacks on industrial enterprises information on which was published in 2019.
24 April 2020
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. Vulnerabilities identified in 2019
The analysis of vulnerabilities was performed based on vendor advisories, publicly available information from open vulnerability databases (US ICS-CERT, CVE, Siemens Product CERT), as well as the results of Kaspersky ICS CERT’s own research.
24 April 2020
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. 2019 Report at a glance
Malicious objects were blocked on 46.6% and ransomware on 1.0% of ICS computers. Kaspersky ICS CERT identified 103 vulnerabilities in industrial systems, IIoT/IoT systems, and other types of solutions.
26 March 2020
WildPressure targets industrial-related entities in the Middle East
We found just three almost unique samples, all in one country. So we consider the attacks to be targeted and have currently named this operation WildPressure.
02 December 2019
Biometric data processing and storage system threats
The findings of our research can be used to make a more objective assessment of risks associated with using modern biometric authentication systems.
22 November 2019
VNC vulnerability research
Findings of research on different implementations of the VNC remote access system. Memory corruption vulnerabilities were found, some of which, if exploited, could lead to remote code execution.
30 September 2019
Threat landscape for industrial automation systems, H1 2019
Descriptions of dangerous threats, our findings from analyzing statistics on blocked threats, and possible vectors of malware penetration of ICS computers.